Bookstock returns to chill your bones on 21 Oct

Pictures from our ninth Bookstock on 19 Oct 2013 (Photos by Paul)


Anticipating bookish high spirits

Meet and greet

Meeting and greeting 'new blood'

Dawn Barnes

Leading reading groupie Dawn Barnes kicks off proceedings

Elanor Dymott

Elanor Dymott reads from Every Contact Leaves a Trace

Alexia Casale

Alexia Casale fascinates by speaking about writing and dyslexia

Lewis and cast

Compère Lewis Harrison-Barker and They Came With Outer Script cast


A packed house at The Green Man

Amy Bird

Amy Bird makes Bookstock history reading from her iPad


Brilliant, noir-ish impov from the Outer Script cast

Helen Smith

Helen Smith rounds off the evening on a perfect note

Terry Grimwood

Black Sabbath fan Terry Grimwood creeps us out with a gory reading from Axe

Cheryl and the bar

The heroic Cheryl serves drinks faster than this camera can capture!

They came with outer script

Side-splitting storytelling mash-up from the They Came With Outer Script cast

Cheryl and the bar

The Bookstock pumpkin guards the bar

Pictures from our eighth Bookstock on 18 May 2013 (Photos by Kara)

Bookstock Audience

The drinks flow at the friendliest literary night in North London

Seki Lynch

Seki Lynch delivers some powerful poetry (and advice from his Dad)

Lane Ashfeldt

Lane Ashfeldt returns with her Saltwater collection

William Ryan signing

William Ryan autographs copies of his Korolev books

Liz and audience member

Reader meet author

Bookstock Audience

The Bookstock audience

William Ryan and Liz Harris

Writers William Ryan and Liz Harris in the signing area

Pictures from our seventh Bookstock on 26 Jan 2013 (photos by Paul)

Ben Crystal

Ben Crystal seizes back Shakespeare for the rest of us

Andrew Byrne

Andrew Byrne - banking's loss is Bookstock's gain

Dave Chawner

Our compère and philosopher for the night Dave Chawner


T.D. Griggs delivers a passionate polemic about the publishing industry

Ruby Soames

Ruby Soames tries to convince the audience her novel isn't autobiographical

Ben Crystal

An energetic Ben Crystal clearly had three Shredded Wheat that morning

The Keith and Dave show

Keith Kahn-Harris and his glamorous assistant Dave on PowerPoint

Pictures from our sixth Bookstock on 3 Nov 2012 (photos by Paul)

Bookstock 6 Amp

The Bookstock amp goes up to 11

Lewis Harrison-Barker

Compère Lewis Harrison-Barker encourages some Hallowe'en puns

Hayley Webster

Debut author to watch Hayley Webster

Hayley Webster

Hayley signs copies of Jar Baby

Bookstock nerve centre

The Bookstock nerve centre keeps time

Bobby Nahar

Bobby Nayyar reads a naughty bit from West of no East

Christopher Fowler

Christopher Fowler unnerves us at Hallowe'en with Uncle Alan

Bookstock audience

The Bookstock audience

Bookstock audience

Sheela, Helena and Colin share the literary love


Surprisingly just one copy of 50 Shades of Grey left in the Bookswap

Pictures from our fifth Bookstock on 24 March 2012 (photos by Dawn)

Nick Dixon

Fab stand-up from compère Nick Dixon

Elspeth Duncan

Trinidadian tales from Elspeth Duncan

Michael Nath

Michael Nath gives us a glimpse of his new novel

Sophia Blackwell

The brilliantly entertaining Sophia Blackwell

Nick Dixon

Nick fills while the search begins for Michael Nath

Essie Fox

The lovely Essie Fox shares the story behind the Somnambulist

Bookstock 5 crowd

50 passionate readers squeezed into the basement of The College Arms

Pictures from our fourth Bookstock on 3 Sept 2011 (photos by Simon of

Lewis Rae

Compere Lewis Rae introduces procedings

The Yorkshire Grey, Clerkenwell

A new venue in Clerkenwell's Yorkshire Grey

Bookstock audience

Top up drinks time

Graham Pears

Graham Pears on why you should never tattoo your head in front of a mirror

Ross Raisin

Book group fave Ross Raisin tests a Glaswegian accent

Anna Stothard

Anna Stothard shares what inspired The Pink Hotel

Patrick Gooch

A commanding performance from Patrick Gooch

Bookstock signing area

The all new Bookstock signing area

Trilby Kent

Trilby Kent juxtaposes Ceylon and Belgium

Little Machine

LiTTLe MACHiNe punk up Philip Larkin...

Little Machine

...then launch into a Lord Byron

The Bookstock audience

Our brilliant, engaged and appreciative Bookstock audience


Prizes from Bookhugger and the Business Bookshop

Pictures from our third Bookstock on 7 May 2011 (photos by Kara)

Tony Dunn

Compere Tony Dunn tells a smoking joke...

Stuart Evers

...and Stuart Evers tells a smoking story

Katy Evans Bush

"Poetry for grown ups" from Katy Evans-Bush

Byrony Doran

Jan Van Mersbergen takes us to Paloma...

Trevor Bloom

...and Trevor Bloom takes us to 476 AD

Byrony Doran

Bryony Doran (not liking her new cover!)

Lyndsay Russell

Lyndsay Russell rails against 'size zero' media obsession

Howard Lynksey

Gritty Tyneside crime from Howard Lynksey

Bookstock bookswap

The Bookswap is back

Pictures from Bookstock on 13 Nov 2010

Photos courtesy of the wonderful freelance writer and journalist Helen Babbs. More pics available on our Facebook group

Lane Ashfeldt

Lane Ashfeldt

Michael Nath

Michael Nath

Tom Macaulay

Tom Macaulay

Bookstock break


Bookstock crowd

The lovely Bookstock audience

The Bookstock Bookswap

The Bookstock Bookswap

Ellie reads a kindly gifted copy of Newbooks magazine

Kindly donated magazines

Richard Asplin checks what time he is on

Richard Asplin

The return of Bobby and Margaret

The return of Bobby & Margaret

Lee Webber

Lee Webber

Tony Dunn, comedian quizmaster

Compere Tony Dunn

Richard Asplin

Richard Asplin

The signing area

The signing area

Bookstock break

Bookstock Breaktime

Bookstock crowd

The lovely Bookstock audience

Angela and some punters

Bookstock's Angela grabs a celebratory drink

Michael Nath

Michael Nath's sea shanty support (left)

Pictures from the first Bookstock on 31 July 2010 (Cheers, Kara!)

Welcome to Bookstock

Welcome to Bookstock

Lee Webber reading at Bookstock in North London

Lee Webber

Nikki Dudley reading at Bookstock in North London

Nikki Dudley

Tony Dunn compering at Bookstock in North London

Tony Dunn

The Punk and the Princess reading at Bookstock in North London

The Punk and the Princess

Lily Hyde reading at Bookstock in North London

Lily Hyde

Bilal Ghafoor reading at Bookstock in North London

Bilal Ghafoor

Rick Senley reading at Bookstock in North London

Leigh Russell

Penny Rudge reading at Bookstock in North London

Penny Rudge

Rick Senley reading at Bookstock in North London

Rick Senley

North London Reading Group logo